Our Innovations
Internet Ecology
Cloud Ecology
FCC, FingerTec Cloud Center
BYOD for Clockings
TimeTec Patrol
IoT For Smart Community
Panic Button
AIoT+ Visitor Management System
QF Master App
BYOD for Clockings
GPS, NFC and Beacon as New Clocking Methods

In 2000, we joined the innovation trend, adopting fingerprint verification technology to design and produce Biometric readers under the branding of FingerTec. FingerTec was to be used as a clocking device to solve the buddy-punching problem faced by workforce management, and false door access problems faced by the security industry.

In 2016, we took on the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) concept to turn the ubiquitous smart phone in hand to a clocking device for time and attendance purpose, by deploying the NFC and Bluetooth communication technology with NFC tags and Beacons. In addition, we also make use of the built-in GPS technology in smart phones for mobile clocking for the mobile workforce. The innovative clocking method was also adopted in our latest debut; the cloud-based TimeTec Patrol, a guard tour management solution for the security industry.