QF Master App
Turns smartphone to face recognition reader
Now, TimeTec can turn any of your Android phones or smart tablet into a face recognition and a QR code reader with lower cost and better performance simply because any low-end smartphones today are having more computing power than any high-end conventional QR and face recognition readers out there.
What can your Android smartphone/tablet do with our innovative face recognition algorithm and QR code verification embedded QF Master App?
TimeTec presents an array of applications compatible with the QF Master App that you can use for the following purposes.
• As a clocking device for cloud-based Time and Attendance System, TimeTec TA
• As a verification terminal for cloud-based Visitor Management System, TimeTec VMS
• As an access terminal for cloud-based Access Control System, TimeTec Access
• As an access and verification terminal for Smart Community System, i-Neighbour
• As a simple access terminal for Smart Office solution, i-TimeTec
For access control purposes, the QF Master App integrates with TimeTec BLE-2, TimeTec BLE-5 and TimeTec BLE-16 Bluetooth controllers for all types of doors, turnstiles, barrier gates and elevators.
For software developers that would like to upgrade their system, they can license TimeTec QF Master App, we provide both SDK.