We started building Internet Ecology into our business since 2005. The Internet Ecology begun with an ideology to tap on the advantages of Internet technology with a simple determination, if Internet can do it, why use conventional methods?
It eventually brought all of our operational activities such as, sales and marketing, technical support, warranty claims, trainings, and online exams to achieve a global reach of our products to more than 150 countries; without having to set up any physical sales and service offices abroad. And the delivery of our support services achieved 24/7 availability around the globe.
The Internet Ecology is built with the integration of our back end system and the front end website; from Accounting System, Inventory Control, Administration module, HR system, Salesforce CRM, and other subsystems and etc; we produced an abundance of useful and accessible online contents and resources for resellers and end users.
This Internet Ecology also sets as a leaping platform for the Company to start a new business venture offering Cloud solutions for workforce management and security industries based on the Software as a Service (SaaS) business model.