TimeTec Office Ecosystem Effects
FingerTec News | 05/01/2021
TimeTec Ecosystem Effects Overview
1+1 = 3
This is the equation we use to explain the TimeTec Ecosystem, and also the essence of digital transformation when a corporate frees its data flow from one activity to another. The extra benefits are not generated just from the connected system components from the same category/profession; the connection can be extended to the system components from different category/profession.

For example, when the data from the TimeTec Time Attendance and Leave Management components of the Workforce Management category/profession is permitted to flow into TimeTec Parking of People Flow category/profession, it helps corporate generating extra incomes by automating the process of short-term renting of unoccupied season parking lots when staffs take leave or work from home.
The Effects in the perspective of TimeTec Parking & Monetization
Take another example, when the i-TimeTec smoke sensor is triggered, TimeTec TA (Time Attendance) and TimeTec Access can be used to locate the whereabouts of every staff. TimeTec VMS is useful for visitor tracking, and emergency notifications can be sent immediately to alert visitors during duress situation. The connected ecosystem subverted the traditional usage of a standalone system.
The Effects in the perspective of TimeTec Patrol and Security
The variety of TimeTec system components and their established connectivity makes the unthinkable in the past, obsolete.

When different solutions are joined-forces as an ecosystem, it will truly unleash the power of digitalization. 1+1=3? It can offer you more than 3 if you give a little bit of boost in creativity.
What else? Think...
Workforce Management
People Flow
  Biometric device
TimeTec solutions are versatile and flexible.
Interested to discuss possible integration?
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+603 - 8070 9933