Fingerprint | Card Access Control And Time Attendance Solutions : FingerTec Worldwide
Global News (Asia & Australasia) 
   Bangladesh | 05/11/2016
Union Bank Bangladesh Deals with Workforce Management the FingerTec Way
Union Bank Ltd Bangladesh was established in response to the huge demand of Islamic Banking across the country. The bank started its operation on 1 April 2013 and ever since has been focusing on its goal of becoming a socially committed world-class financial institution. Providing high quality customer service through the integration of the latest banking technology and also Shariah based compliance products, Union Bank Ltd continues to see success and expansion with its 36 branches at various commercial and outskirt locations in Bangladesh.

Expanding along its branches was its workforce, where more manpower was required. To cope expeditiously, the management deploys with fingerprint solution from FingerTec.

Union Bank settled with FingerTec TA100C for comprehensive automated time and attendance system. They were able to monitor and regularize their employees’ attendance and indirectly have control over the employee’s time management and work productivity besides completely eliminating the manual process from their previous traditional card attendance recording method. Each of the employee’s attendance in present is compiled electronically, which discards many of the human errors, dishonest manipulations, oversights and other callous encounters that actually spill the company’s money on unnecessary wastages. The flexibility to use the card system is only privileged to a certain group of employees; the rest will have to comply with the fingerprint method and as a result buddy punching is no longer a headache for the management to worry about.
Experiencing some difficulties in the early stage, which was addressed well by FingerTec’s exclusive distributor in Bangladesh, General Automation Ltd. with their best and quickest technical solutions, today both the management and the employees are pleased with the system. The bank management has more time to focus towards their goals and the employees in the meantime are happy to comply with an easy to use automated attendance system, which requires them to only scan their fingerprint and presto!

FingerTec has various time and attendance models that are compatible to businesses from all industries and sizes. Speak to our marketing team at to help you find a suitable time attendance or door access solution for your business.