Global News (Asia)  Vietnam | 04/03/2016  
Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems Ltd.(TTDS) Manages its Workforce Efficiently with FingerTec
Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems Ltd.(TTDS) is located in Hanoi, Vietnam. Established as a subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation, its operation solely revolves around power management system for railways, which complies with a computerized process that actively supervises and controls the numerous unmanned mini stations paved over the wayside. Customizing to cater customer needs, Toshiba purveys a range of small scale to large-scale products and services.
Being under the umbrella of a multinational, with over 400 employees TTDS is very much concerned on how efficiently its workforce is managed. Learning the vast scope of the subject itself, from administrating the human assets to the paper works that follows the organization is constantly venturing into efforts to trim down the scattering of their employee’s hard work.

To embrace a whole new possibility of a volatile workforce management and increased security in the premise, just last year TTDS installed 18 units of FingerTec’s R2 along with AdapTec Plus, 16 units of electric magnetic lock and 2 units of electric door bolt to benefit from a systematic access control and time attendance system through FingerTec’s esteemed distributor, Silver Sea JSC.

Optimising for a conducive workforce management, TTDS feels comfortable with FingerTec’s system as the system provides complete convenience and accuracy that dispenses loopholes, messy data management issues and simplifies the overall access control and attendance recording process.
FingerTec R2, with its precise recognition features along with a complete access solution is a trusted fingerprint verification tool for genuine access and time attendance recording as it operates on an automatic computerized mode, that completely discards the possibilities of human errors or any other miscellaneous that follows. Equipped with TCP/IP communication protocols the R2 series provides easy data management solution whereby all inputs recorded can be simply transferred to the processing software via FingerTec’s BioBridge SDK that acts as a transition tool from the terminals to the third party software. Since the installation of the FingerTec system, TTDS has been adapting well and appreciates the convenience that came along.

Silver Sea JSC is FingerTec’s distributor in Vietnam and it has branches across the country including one in Hanoi.

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