The crowd was not impressive though it was claimed as the largest security show, maybe only largest in the Southwest of Nothern America. However, we met a few potential customers who are very keen to proceed with FingerTec brand. One pointer I got from a Puerto Rican guy was, communication is essential. It’s either English or Spanish; it must be proper written language. You simply can’t write a reply with “Thank you for interesting about our product,” it is such a turn off, according to him, which I totally agree. At FingerTec, the management always stress on good communication skills, not only the language, the tone and care for our clients must be taken into account as well.
All our samples were sold and we also received an order immediately after the show. It’s my hope that we will able to sell to Northern America in good quantity by end of the year.
Three things I noticed about Americans. First, they like to say “how you doin’?”, no matter where. Anytime your eyes meet theirs, “How you doin’?” It was weird at first but I got used to it after sometimes because Malaysian culture is not like that one! Second thing about Americans that I took notice was, they like to say “cool”. “Your products are cool.” “You are cool.” “That’s cool.” “Are we cool?” “Cool?” “Cool.” The third thing I noticed, they are very punctual people and the show was closed at exactly 6pm. There’s no 10 minutes leeway given to distributor to pack up, it’s 5:58, 5:59 and lights off! But all in all, Americans are cool people. |
The largest security exhibition in North America