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Global News (Europe & Africa)  
   Ivory Coast | 05/07/2017
SGS Ivory Coast Deployed FingerTec Ingressus
SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company headquartered in Geneva, and it has offices and laboratories around the world with more than 9,000 staff. One of SGS offices is located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and this office caters to the similar needs of various industries nationwide including agriculture & food, chemical, constructions, consumer goods & retail, energy and many more.

The company was looking for a security system that can trace the entries and exits of personnel for select rooms in the premise. There was no access control system established in the company and upon consultation with Ntech Support, FingerTec reseller in Ivory Coast, the company deployed FingerTec Ingressus IV with fingerprint reader R2c and Ingress software.

Ingressus IV is a door access controller for 4 doors installation. With Ingressus, users need to verify their identities at FingerTec fingerprint readers during entry and exit and the Ingressus will verify the identities before granting them access. Transaction records are then saved into the controller built-in memory and the records are sent to Ingress immediately for further processing. Once multiple Ingressus controllers are set up, they can be centralized via IP or RS485 connection in a computer installed with Ingress software. Each Ingressus controller works independently at its access point; however the data is centralized from all Ingressus to give a better and more complete picture of the environment’s security level. On top of that, Ingressus IV comes with many other useful features for better security such as antipassback feature, duress mode, interlock function. Ingressus is a great choice for door access solution not only because all the data kept in the Ingressus is tuck away from the public’s sight but also because it is affordable and effective.
Ntech Support is a new FingerTec reseller but the company has had vast experience in the security industry and it specializes in the supply and installation of safety equipments in access control, time management, locks and its relevant software. The installation at SGS adds to a growing list of successful deployments by the company.
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