AMTC System Sdn. Bhd. suggested them the combination of R3, R2c and Ingressus for their biometrics door access system. The use of Ingressus has its own advantages; on top of reducing the overall cost of implementation, Ingressus has full control of all security devices under one management, including CCTV, fire alarms, as well as building automation systems (BAS) for a total security solution.
With the installation of FingerTec door access solution, Sabah Credit Corporation’s employees are now using their fingerprint to enter the premises and all the audit trails are safely recorded in the Ingress software. When a system automatically records all movements of its users, the financial institution like Sabah Credit Corporation can take comfort knowing that nothing is missing from the system.
AMTC System Sdn. Bhd. is pleased with this installation to add to a string of successful FingerTec implementations carried out by the company. AMTC believes that apart from the product, excellent support provided to the customer is key to an established brand and reputation.