FingerTec News
Roll Back Feature for Safer Migration from TimeTec to
TCMS is on the way!
Previously in our older articles, we’ve discussed about how easy it was to migrate data from the TCMS to the TimeTec. The migration was designed one way and there was no alternative to change your mind and retransfer the data back to TCMS from TimeTec. From many feedback we gathered from hardcore TCMS users who are skeptical about moving to a new software, is that they need to have that comfort to be able to undo the previous data migration process that also restores the original data back into the TCMS V2 software, which they were more familiar with. Label them conservative or cautious, their suggestion is actually fair for all users.

Around the corner, we will have a feature that provide users the possibility to implement “roll backs” for secure data migration back into the TCMS from TimeTec. The feature will provide a simple backup and restoration process without data loss that is similar to the process used to restore database into TCMS, only using a ZIP file to store employee data. So if you are interested in performing a “roll back” from TimeTec to, do check often as the “roll back” feature will be made available soon in March and keep an eye out for more updates that will be coming your way!

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