Printing of Attendance Receipt
is Made Available with FingerTec® Readers
All verifications and transactions of FingerTec® readers are saved in the terminal memory of the respective readers. The transaction logs can be pulled into a PC via TCMS V2 software for further data processing, analysis and reports. The data and the records which are available in FingerTec® readers and/or in the computers cannot be viewed by the users unless reports are printed upon request.

However, recently there has been a demand exclusively from South America to let users having a proof that they have used the fingerprint machines for time attendance. The user or the employee can present the receipt in case there is any query or discrepancy in the record kept by the employer. Once a user or an employee has obtained a successful verification from the FingerTec reader, a receipt containing important attendance information will be printed as a receipt.

To address this issue, FingerTec® readers have been upgraded to utilize RS 232 serial port printer to enable printing of receipt for every verification done in the FingerTec® reader. The FingerTec® terminals which can support RS232 serial port printer, include TA100, TA103-R, AC100 Plus, AC800 Plus, AC800 Plus MC and future iKiosk 100 as well as iKiosk 100Plus.
FingerTec® reader has to be connected to the RS232 serial port receipt printer in order to print receipt for users after verification is done.
The operations are explain as the followings:
1. User verifies fingerprints, password, MIFARE card or RFID cards at FingerTec® terminals.
2. FingerTec® reader willperform the verification process to identify users.
3. Once the verification process is successful and the user is verified succesfully, the RS 232 serial port receipt printer will print a receipt with user information (user ID), date and time of verification done.
4. User can keep the receipt as a record, or a reference.
The receipt comes in four different formats which can be chosen from the FingerTec® readers. The formats are illustrated as below:
The availability of time attendance receipt is for the benefit of the employee to proof that he/she is present at the required time. However, FingerTec Worldwide does not supply the said receipt printer and the receipt printer can be obtained from your local office automation stores.
Any enquiry on future issue, kindly contact for further information.
Any comments or feedbacks please email to
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