Fingerprint | Card Access Control And Time Attendance Solutions : FingerTec Worldwide
FingerTec News  05/10/2016
NFC Tags Simplify Time Recording
The way attendance data is collected has evolved since businesses required employee to ‘clock in’ for work centuries ago. The first time clock was introduced in the late 1800s to record the time of employee entered and left the factory; the mechanical clock would stamp the time on a card, which later on is known as time card. As the world progresses, so does the attendance system. Smart card was popular next and towards the end of the last millennium, biometrics system became desirable for its ability to solve the rampant buddy-punching occurrences and its automatic nature. The latest device being introduced to the market for attendance recording is NFC tag. This tag uses the near field communication technology or acronym NFC, a set of short-range wireless technology that comes default in most smartphones today. NFC adopts the concept of MiFare that allows data to be transmitted via radio waves with radio frequency 13.56MhZ, and it induces electric currents within passive components. In short, the NFC permits a quick and an efficient way to push information into your phone.

NFC tags are one of the passive devices that can use the NFC technology. It has no power supply on its own and it relies on an active device to come into range before the tag could get activated. An NFC-enabled phone can power up the tags when the phone is near (a few cm) to the tag.

Mechanics of NFC Tags in TimeTec Patrol
Mechanics of NFC Tags in TimeTec TA
Tapping on this technology, NFC tag can be utilized to record attendance data where users are just required to bring along their smartphones loaded with the right application, and they just have to scan the phone to the tag to clock.

TimeTec will be utilizing NFC tags in our two main products, TimeTec Patrol and TimeTec TA. For TimeTec Patrol, the tags will replace the conventional guard tour checkpoints and readable by TimeTec Patrol app available for Android smartphones. And for TimeTec TA, users can tap the tags for attendance clocking activities by using Android or iOS phone loaded with TimeTec Mobile app.

Why NFC tags for time? The system requires the owner of the smartphone to be near the said tag to get verified. This system eliminates buddy punching because your colleague/buddy needs to carry your smartphone and he has to travel to the place where you have to get verified to accomplish the mission. Though the operation looks simple, TimeTec has addressed the loopholes such as ability to switch phones and etc. Use NFC tags to record attendance, reduce your implementation cost and enjoy security at its best. Email or for more information about NFC tags.

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