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Luxury Homes to be Secured with FingerTec
By Mr. Christopher Chou, CEO, Find-U Technologies Corp.
The Face ID 3 unit installed in one of the villas.

Chang An Villa is a top luxury 5-storey residential which is located at Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The villas feature a There are total 15 units of villas, all include an exotic backyard and peaceful ambience, each costing a minimum of NT$ 1 million each, and will be secured with top security equipment & access control system.

The access control system is none other than FingerTec’s latest revolutionary face recognition terminal, the Face ID 3.

After Find-U Technologies Corp, the distributor of FingerTec products in Taiwan, drew up a comparison among a few brands of access control biometric devices, the owner of one of the villas selected FingerTec Face ID 3 as their main access control system in for his own villa unit. The same Face ID 3 was installed at the basement car park entrance for additional security of their vehicle.

“My family and I like the face recognition system Face ID 3, as it has provided me with a keyless access system. From now on, I don’t have to worry about keeping or losing any of my keys”, commented the villa owner.

As a result, the management of Chang An Villa will now be proposing and installing the FingerTec Face ID 3 to each of the other villa residences, due to its reliability and user-friendliness, which does not require much technical knowledge to operate.

Each villa is equipped with a garden and backyard
台灣桃園市最頂級獨棟豪宅啟用Face ID3臉部辨識門禁機
By Mr. Christopher Chou, CEO, Find-U Technologies Corp.
[永安豪景]是台灣省桃園市區內最頂級的獨棟豪宅社區; 15棟獨立的五層樓豪宅,除了在前庭後院種滿了奇花異木綠草外,還使用了最頂級的建材與最高科技的監控門禁設備,每棟造價至少一億新台幣,豪宅的主人們都是非常成功的企業家,對生活的品味與素質不僅要求很高,對安全與便利性更是挑剔無比!
因此第一棟選用Face ID3臉部辨識門禁機的屋主,光鈦國際工業股份有限公司的蔡董事長,經過多方比較,立即毫不猶豫地決定選購八駿科技股份有限公司大力推薦的Face ID3臉部辨識門禁機,因為他公司的門禁感應是Mifare卡, FaceID3也可以順利讀取; Face ID3的觸控螢幕操作更是便利好用! 蔡董事長希望先從他的豪宅安裝啟用Face ID3後,公司的門禁考勤也全面升級更新為Face ID3!
[永安豪景] 地下一樓是停車庫,是最適合Face ID3的使用環境, 但一樓大門口雖有屋簷,恐怕有狂風暴雨會淋濕,但是蔡董事長仍堅持該處也要安裝Face ID3; 所以八駿科技費心地裝設了特製的防水罩,確保門禁功能正常發揮!
每天下班車子到達[永安豪景], 駛入地下一樓的5個停車位空間的車庫,是屋主每天進入其家門的重要路徑; 屋主早已習慣Keyless的高級車,希望下了車可立即進入家門享受豪華舒適的居家; 所以不用麻煩找出感應卡或伸手碰觸指紋或按密碼的話,絕對是首選的Face ID3臉部辨識門禁機!
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