Also Amul, with the recent adaptation of TA500 is now able to pin down the late clock-ins and clock-outs, which are not aligned with the company’s standard working hours. With these details the overall payroll management flow is at ease to ensure that all employees are correctly paid to avoid wastages. This also helps to cultivate a disciplined culture amongst the employees.
TA500 served as an effective and affordable solution. The features are pretty comprehensive and all well dynamic with its biometrics and RFID Card verification availabilities with the ability to save up to 2000 fingerprints and 80000 transaction logs. Having mentioned its affordable pouched package TA500’s attributes are not compromised as its built and integrated with high quality materials, software, user-friendliness and dependable technical support for a great user experience.
Amul is apparently happy with the results and is looking forward to further develop its team and maintain a high level of genuineness and efficiency its workforce management. |