Fingerprint | Card Access Control And Time Attendance Solutions : FingerTec Worldwide
FingerTec News  05/05/2016
FingerTec Software Continual Improvement Plan Aims for Better User Experience
The kernel of FingerTec business lies on its management software, Ingress and TCMS. Over the years FingerTec’s Research and Development team have carried out various enhancements to make the software is better suited to our diverse global market, and rest assured that the efforts do not stop there. The teams are constantly looking for ways to optimize the software to achieve better user experience and below are the software enhancement plan moving forward.

In the third quarter of 2016, the major focus of Ingress and TCMS V3’s development is to permit update or saving of data in batches. This feature will be made available soon across the 5 modules namely Device, User, Door, Access Level and System Setting. For those who are waiting for this feature to be available, your wait is almost over.

At the same time, we are also going for the UI facelift for the upload and download user in the User Module. It is crucial that the UI we introduce provides users with better familiarity in dealing with our solution. The development will also look into allowing user to transfer huge access group and to achieve user stability in Access Level Module and to improve the database restore speed in System Setting Module. Enhancement will also be focused on monitoring pulling database frequency in the Monitoring Module to provide customers with convenience.

In the fourth quarter 2016, the development on the saving and updating of data in batch will continue in the Attendance Module. Other improvements on Attendance Module include offering calendar view for roster for easy viewing and navigating, multiple selections for workcode, checktype in data audit list for better options, and enhancement to allow download of huge transaction logs will be carried out to improve operation. Last but not least in the pipeline of 2016 are the enhancements on Report Module that covers report generation speed enhancement, revamp of report Filter option UI and revamp of report UI.

By end of the year, Ingress and TCMS V3 will be providing users with greater experience and more features to your advantages.
Timeline of the Improvements
Devices Module
Data save and update in batch
User Module
Data save and update in batch
Revamp of upload and download user UI
Doors Module
Data save and update in batch
Access Level Module
Data save and update in batch
Transfer huge access group and user stability
System Setting Module        
Database restore speed
Data save and update in batch   
Attendance Module
Data save and update in batch
Calendar view for roster
Multiple selection for workcode, checktype in data audit list
Enhance download huge transaction log
Report Module
Report generation speed enhancement
Revamp of report Filter option UI Revamp report UI