FingerTec Permeates The Budding Venezuelan Market
(by Regielou Rolloque, Sales Manager (Hispanic Market))

According to Wikipedia, the most popular and widely accepted story about the origin of the name of the country, Venezuela, was about how the Italian discoverer, Amerigo Vespucci, named it “Little Venice” because the little villages they had landed on reminded the explorer of the city of Venice

FingerTec’s esteemed partner in Venezuela, Asociación Cooperativa Tecnología Terabyte 124, RL, does not have little experience in the biometrics market though. The Venezuelan company has been around for more than a decade marketing and selling different brands. At its inception in 1998, Asociación Cooperativa Tecnología Terabyte started with selling VeriPrint, a fingerprint reader distributed by Honeywell Security. After some time they discontinued selling it and moved on to another brand, Virdi, from Union Comm in South Korea. Having sold one brand at a

time, they always make sure they have thoroughly studied the marketability and how the fingerprint machines work before relinquishing what they’re promoting for a better brand suited to the growing Venezuelan market.

Today Asociación Cooperativa Tecnología Terabyte only promotes and sells FingerTec terminals. What can Asociación Cooperativa Tecnología Terabyte say about the advantages of the FingerTec products? Eng. Wilmer Arambula, Asociación Cooperativa Tecnología Terabyte’s General Manager, succinctly responds that without a doubt it’s the relation between price and quality and the facility of integrating the FingerTec terminals with their own software with the help of BioBridge SDK

Asociación Cooperativa Tecnología Terabyte 124, RL has sold and installed over 150 units in over 9

Venezuelan states: namely in Yaracuy, Lara, Cojedes, Falcón, Carabobo, Aragua, Bolívar, Nueva Esparta, and Miranda.
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