( By Omar Torres, Sales Manager, Grupo Ejje )
Moving Towards Process Automation
Sistemas Comistibles recently made an investment of $20,000 to acquire time attendance control systems using FingerTec’s Hi-Tech Human Touch technology. This investment is due to the commitment of technology as part of a strategy to automate processes and reduce costs in the company. FingerTec’s exclusive distributor in El Salvador, Grupo Ejje, sat down with Mr. Ricardo Cabrera, the IT Manager of Sistemas Comistibles to know what he has to say about FingerTec’s fingerprint technology.
What Sistemas Comistibles Is Saying About FingerTec System
Mister Donut Franchises in El Salvador
According to Mr Ricardo Cabrera, IT Manager for Sistemas Comistibles, before acquiring FingerTec products, they were using manual punching card equipments in Sistemas Comistibles to manage their personnel’s time attendance. It was quite expensive in the long run because the system incurred costs of equipment support as these kinds of equipments are outdated. They also had to pay for card replacements for 700 people and for transporting card replacements from 45 outlets to headquarters. Moreover, it is time consuming for their human resources department to review each of the cards and keep a precise control. All in all it took a lot of our resources to implement the manual punching card system. Because of this problem, the management of Sistemas Comistibles decided to seek a solution in the El Salvador market to enable them to improve, become more efficient in this process, and to reduce costs in operations.
The management of Sistemas Comistibles were looking at a complete solution of hardware and software that would allow them to bring the complexity of one of the peculiarities of the restaurant business: the use of different schedules for each of the different points of sales and individual business areas of the company. At first it was difficult finding a solution but after evaluating four different suppliers, they finally found Grupo Ejje who provided them with the best solution in FingerTec products because its system does not only help to improve the schedule control process but also help them in reducing costs. On top, it lessens the complexity of using different schedules compared to other suppliers’ solutions, which did not satisfy them. Another advantage they
acquired from FingerTec’s fingerprint technology is being able to obtain timely access to information from each of the fingerprint terminals located at different points of sale throughout the country in their office.
It’s Worth It
The investment they made marked a huge improvement in their processes in automating and making their system more efficient and less costly, thus helping them reduce or eliminate costs in some cases. The whole process they employed before included: support equipment costs, paper costs per card, card transport costs, storage costs of these information, and the time and effort used up by human resources. The sum of the whole operation amounted to $ 6,000 monthly. Upon making the initial investment with FingerTec products through Grupo Ejje, they have achieved a return of investment from the fifth month of having made the shift to FingerTec’s fingerprint time attendance system.

Grupo Ejje’s vast experience in implementing and managing FingerTec’s fingerprint technology with added values such as staff training and technical support makes Grupo Ejje the supplier with the best solution in El Salvador that fit their needs perfectly. Sistemas Comistibles installed 70 units of TA102 in all their restaurants nationwide.

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