Starting February 2016, FingerTec customers around the world can choose to upload their terminal transaction data straight into FingerTec Cloud Center with a minimal charge of USD5 per terminal per month. FingerTec Cloud Center (FCC) is the brand’s data storage facility offered to all our customers as an added value service when buying FingerTec brand of biometric products. In the FCC, customers can save their terminal information, transaction logs and user data as backup to prevent mishaps in data handling. The data kept in the FCC is in raw format and it is only readable when transferred to Ingress and TCMS V2 software for now and consequently to TimeTec TA.
Keeping the data in the FCC provides the customers with ease of mind knowing that the data is intact and is not lost even if there is mishandlings of the terminal’s data and information by any unauthorized or novice users. The FCC service is offered at a minimal rate of USD5 per terminal per month, and the data will be kept for the duration of subscription plus the additional 3 months based on the FIFO (First In First Out) rule.