Euro Jordan Expects Increase Sales From
TA100 DIY and R2i
Euro Jordan Trading, an esteemed partner of FingerTec since 2006 have so far secured many projects with the government and private sectors in Jordan. Many renowned companies including University of Jordan, Jordan Book Center, DHL Jordan and all branches of ALISSAR Jordan have been utilizing the FingerTec fingerprint systems. Euro Jordan, which acts as FingerTec’s exclusive distributor in Jordan, has also approached factories to tap on their time clocking requirements.
The introduction of TA100 DIY has opened yet another opportunity for Euro Jordan to market the products to another segment of the market, small companies with less than 10
employees.With improvements done of the TA100 DIY and its strategic pricing, Mr. Jawad Yaqoub, Sales and Technical Manager of Euro Jordan is confident that this standalone fingerprint product will be a hit product in 2009. The TA100 DIY does not require any software installation and it fits to small companies’ time clocking needs.
The city of Amman, Jordan taken from the sky
Another newly introduced product, the slave fingerprint reader R2i, has also been creating a lot of interest in Jordan. According to Jawad, “The market welcomes R2i because they can install in and out readers with less cost and obtains higher level of security.” R2i is a fingerprint reader only that works with R2 and other models such as i-Kiosk 100, i-Kiosk 100 Plus and Q2i, to record staff movements by using fingerprint instead of exit button. “Pay less and get more is always a-must-buy in Jordan,” he added.
Euro Jordan’s customers who have more than one branch install multiple FingerTec readers and connect them to one database in TCMS V2 installed in the headquarters. In view of this, Euro Jordan will focus on marketing the web application TCMS V2 Viewer for these branches to access the data using the web from one central location.
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