Brick Stone Manages Employee with TimeTec TA |
Brick Stone Trading & Contracting W.L.L is a company registered in Qatar which provides engineering, procurement, construction (EPC), maintenance use for development projects in the country and project management services in residential, commercial, private projects and in the infrastructure sectors. In a very short period of time, the company experienced all spheres of construction activities and thus gained the reputation as one of the fastest growing companies of Qatar.
In their mission to deliver reliable, high quality solutions for their esteemed clients, Brick Stone also realized that they would need to seek out another solution that would better help them achieve it. Through assistance from TimeTec’s reseller in Qatar, Intelligent Project, Brick Stone subscribes to the workforce attendance and scheduling solution, TimeTec TA.
TimeTec TA is a cloud-based solution that brings workforce management to a whole new level and is the next preventive step for tardiness, absenteeism, and other counterproductive work behaviour. With TimeTec TA, companies will now be able to tackle any workforce issues such as monitoring and tracking staff’s attendance and whereabouts, create and manage effective scheduling by using multiple scheduling templates, and generate reports automatically. What’s more, TimeTec’s features can also be accessed through mobile application, which is readily available to be downloaded and installed for both IOS and Android.
The company subscribes TimeTec TA for more than 200 employees and at the same time, the company integrates the data from 8 Face ID 2 into the same solution. Apart from the biometric terminals, TimeTec TA also supports other clocking methods such as Web Clocking, Time Beacon, NFC Tags and GPS Clocking for its attendance clocking.