FingerTec News 03/04/2015
TimeTec SDK is Now Available!
The new TimeTec SDK is now ready and you can activate it from your TimeTec subscription!
Activate Now!
TimeTec is a cloud based application designed to manage attendance monitoring, workforce management and staff scheduling online. With TimeTec application, all data is accesible through our application TimeTec from anywhere anytime so long as you have an Internet connection.

In general application, system administrator can export the relevant information from TimeTec in XLS/DOC/CSV files. The exported file(s) can then be imported into 3rd party software, for example payroll, ERP and such for further processing. On top, employers can integrate the database from the TimeTec with their own system for example payroll, ERP, human resource system to design and develop more applications.

In our effort to smoothen the integration process, FingerTec now provides the TimeTec SDK as a bridge for 3rd party software/system to link up with TimeTec server and collect their desired data/information. We also have addressed the security issue concern by providing login credentials to the individual TimeTec account owner instead of to software developer or system integrator as well as it is running on SSL secure access layer (HTTPS).

Two-steps process of getting the TimeTec SDK:
Step 1
Get the TimeTec account owner credentials. Click here for the tips.
Step 2
Download TimeTec SDK demo & sample program at here.
Below you can find screenshots from the demo application to provide you with some ideas on the kind of data/information you can get from TimeTec:
The Main page
The information of FingerTec devices installed
The employee information
The operation records
The raw verification records
The processed attendance records
Integrators and developers can use the Web Service Call of TimeTec Cloud SDK to integrate the data from TimeTec Cloud into their current solution, or do a customization solution for their customers.
Any comments or feedbacks please email to
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