15,000 Fingerprint Templates In One Machine Made Possible by FEM600
( by Henry Pang, Product Development Manager )

FingerTec R&D department is involved in continuous product developments to be in tandem with the needs of today’s clientele. Come December 2009, FingerTec is going to release yet another high-technology biometrics products to the worldwide market. Face ID 2, the face recognition product will make its debut by end of the year as an addition to the existing fingerprint product range. What’s great about this development is the fact that besides the introduction of new biometrics technology, improvement of core board capability is outstanding.

FEM 600 is developed to support Face ID 2 using the new algorithm, BioBridge VX 9.0. The previous core board FEM510 with 2.56MB Flash and

Face ID 2 product
BioBridge VX8.0 algorithm can only support up to 5000 fingerprint templates or 40,000 MiFare cards users. This new development exceeds expectation for it can store up to three fold of what FEM510 can do.

FEM 600 can contain up to 15,000 fingerprint templates on a single machine. Though the BioBridge VX 9.0 algorithm is being used for Face ID 2 to support 700 faces, 5000 fingerprint templates, 100000 cards and 100000 transaction logs, it can also be integrated into FingerTec® color screen models for much higher storage capacity. The models affected include i-Kiosk 100, i-Kiosk 100 Plus, Q2i and TA200 Plus. This news might come as a pleasant surprise for those clients who have been waiting for a product with higher capacity storage capability. 15,000 for a machine is more than suffice to cater to a high traffic environment.

For those who require the new core board, kindly contact info@fingertec.com for further details.
Core board
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