Fingerprint | Card Access Control And Time Attendance Solutions : FingerTec Worldwide
FingerTectivity  05/05/2016
FingerTec, A Breastfeeding Friendly Working Environment
FingerTec’s workforce is full of young mothers and in an effort to provide them support in their breastfeeding journey after returning to work, we are pleased to introduce a lactation station in the office.

Here are 5 important reasons why working moms need the lactation station.

• Babies Deserve the Best
With the strong belief that every mother can breastfeed and all newborn babies deserve to indulge in that goodness, we offer lactation station for mothers to sustain milk production, and express milk about 2 to 3 times a day to maintain her supply. Babies will definitely give us hi-fives!
• Privacy is Key
When cubicles are the common employee stations, not everybody has a room to lactate. By us providing lactating mothers with her own privacy provide them with sufficient support, they can both work and contribute to their children’s health at the same time.
• Improved Employee Morale
Knowing that the employer cares about your need will build better relations with their employees, resulting in a more motivated, committed and productive workforce.
• Lower Staff Turnover
There’s always this worry of “how to breastfeed at work” and for an employer to extend support to continue breastfeeding, mothers are more likely to return to work and also do so earlier.
• Positive Corporate Image
Employees are more loyal to companies with family-friendly policies. This can lead to easier employee recruitment, better public image. But that’s beside the point. The most important point is, this is also our contribution to building a better society.

FingerTec takes yet another step to building a family friendly workplace.