In Making a Mark in Access Control Market |
The ‘access control’ concept is not a hard sell; its requirements are always present. Majority of consumers are aware of access control’s value, and more than likely demands for the system in their lives one way or another. Predictably, the size of the global access control market is fairly significant. Post recession impact correlates positively with the growth of access control industry, as every new commercial and residential building would have access control requirements factored into its overall budget and planning. Global Industry Analysts projected the world access control market to recover from the recent economic slowdown to reach the US$6.0 billion mark by 2015. The future of access control industry looks constantly promising. |
Taking into account the access control market size and the demand of today’s consumers on such devices, it is only fitting that FingerTec places more emphasis on its access control offerings. Not necessarily the new kid on the block when it comes to security products, FingerTec will be taking a more in-depth and holistic approach in tackling the market this time around. |
Earlier this year, FingerTec proudly introduced Ingress, the premier access control software as an optional bundled item with every product purchased. The software focuses on access control features with a simple time attendance module to attract access control users. Specifically, Ingress centers more on the ability to remotely monitor your premises’ door access in real-time. With its relevant access control features and settings, Ingress is expected to be a hit amongst access control users due to its comprehensiveness and almost no-cost implementation. |
Next in line is the introduction of Ingressus controllers that act as a centralized control unit for FingerTec slaves readers. The implementation of Ingressus controllers is economical, suitable for large-scale deployment and able to work in combination with other FingerTec master products. Concurrently, FingerTec will also debut H3i and s-Kadex, which solely targets controlling door access without requiring any software installation. The simplified nature of the fingerprint and card standalone access control devices is hoped to appeal to the segment of the market that demands a no-hassle, no-complication access control products. |
These newly introduced access control items will make its mark on the industry and FingerTec is planning to continue providing the market with the latest technology such as the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology; mobile contactless credentials that act as virtual keys or access control cards, can be stored in our mobile handset and used to lock and unlock doors. NFC, the short-range high-frequency wireless communication technology, makes exchange of information between electronic devices possible. |
It’s common knowledge in this industry that there is no one brand that can provide an all-inclusive, best security solution for a particular customer. A combination of a few good brands is always the best way to get comprehensive coverage of access system. Knowing this to be closer to the truth, FingerTec always strives to present the brand as complete as possible with the best products we have. And what makes FingerTec a chosen brand over the rest? The understanding of a formula that appeals to the consumer, apparently; easy installation, hassle-free implementation, and competitive pricing. With all three factors in tow for FingerTec, success in the industry is not a far-fetched dream for us. |