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 31/05-02/06 2012, Curacao  BN: 78
FingerTec will be showcasing its superior brand of fingerprint products in The EFEX Efficiency Expo 2012. The event will be held in World Trade Center, Curacao 31 May - 02 June, 2012. FingerTec will be present at 78.
 04-06 Jun 2012, Hong Kong BN:1A-216
FingerTec will be participating in the Securitex 2012 from June 04-06, 2012 at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCE), Hong Kong. FingerTec will be represented by Founder Globaltech.
 19-21 Jun 2012, South Africa BN:C02-3
FingerTec will be participating in the IFSEC South Africa from June 19-21, 2012 at Gallagher Convention Centre, South Africa. FingerTec brand will be represented by FingerTec SA, FingerTec partner for South Africa.