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Here, we have 8 frequently asked questions to help you and your client understand the ins and outs of a Slave terminal.
Q. What is a Slave terminal?
An exit Slave terminal can be defined as a terminal that does not have the capacity to enroll, store, or verify users within the terminal. To do this, the exit Slave reader has to be connected to a Master terminal (a terminal that CAN enroll, store and verify users within the terminal) or an external Controller (a third party device with a Wiegand connection that stores information such as fingerprint templates, card IDs, etc. for reference when verifying a user).
Q. How does the Slave terminal verify a user?
To perform a verification, the Slave terminal has to be connected to a Master terminal or an external Controller. The information received from the Slave terminal (eg: fingerprint scan or card ID) will be sent to the Master terminal or Controller to be verified. If successful, a signal will be sent to the locking device of the door to be released to allow the user to exit.
Q. Where are transaction logs from a Slave terminal stored?
Similar to the process of verification, transaction logs will be sent to the connected Master terminal or the Controller to be recorded and stored. The transaction logs can be retrieved by connecting to the Master terminal or the external Controller and downloading them.
Q. What other FingerTec terminal can a Slave terminal connect to?
At FingerTec, we have few slave readers which are: FingerTec R2i, FingerTec i-Kadex, and coming soon, FingerTec k-Kadex. Both the i-Kadex and k-Kadex can be connected to either the Kadex or m-Kadex, the i-kadex has an additional compatibility with Face ID 3, while the R2i can only be connected to FingerTec R2*. However, all three Slave terminals can be connected to an external Controller to function as a standalone **.
Q. What is the use of a Slave terminal if it cannot store data or verify users?
A Slave terminal enables users to implement an In-Out card and fingerprint solution at an economical cost. As the slave reader does not have any storage capacity whatsoever, the cost of the terminal is drastically reduced, therefore allowing users to have a complete and secure In-Out solution.
Q. Can two Slave terminals work as an IN-OUT solution?
Yes. Two slave terminals can work as an In-Out solution ONLY if it is connected to an external Controller with storage capacity**.
Q. If something goes wrong with the connection between a Slave and a Master terminal, will I be unable to exit my office?
As with any access control system, there is always a failsafe option for emergencies. By installing accessories such as the On-Off Keyswitch and Emergency Breakglass, emergency system failures can be overcome, so that access is not restricted.
Q. How many Slave terminals can be connected to a Master terminal?
All FingerTec Master terminals can only accommodate one Slave terminal.
*When connecting the R2 with the R2i, the connecting cable cannot be more than 1 meter long.
**External Controllers refer to controllers with Wiegand connection which can store and process user templates.
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