FingerTectivity  04/03/2016  
Seminar on Protection of Intellectual Property & CMMI Certification Celebration
On 2nd of March 2016, TimeTec organizes a talk on patents and a celebration party in conjunction with the success of the R&D Department obtaining CMMI Level 3 certification.

The seminar on patents is initiated to provide the staff with knowledge about the importance of securing patents, copyright and trademarks for the work that we have accomplished. Mr Lok Choon Hoong from Pintas Group was invited to be the key speaker to this event. Right after the talk, the staffs were invited to the mini celebration of the CMMI certification. The event took place at Astaria, Shaftsbury Square Cyberjaya Selangor, the same building where the TimeTec R&D teams are located.

   In an era where consumers drive a business, user experience is not something developers can take nonchalantly. If you have to explain in length your feature to a user, then you have failed. Our Group CEO, Mr Teh Hon Seng reminding programmers to make user experience as a key to any successful product development.
Informative talk like this patents talk opens young minds about the value of one’s work and the importance of protecting it.   
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