The town of Al-Jubail, located at the Eastern province on the Gulf Arabian coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is home to the newest and largest industrial city and civil engineering project also aptly named Jubail Industrial City. Following the rapid expansion and industrialization of Jubail, the city has since evolved into a major player in the global petrochemicals market, attracting top technical and business minds from 40 countries all living in an urban melting pot consisting of Jubail’s educational, cultural religious, commercial and governmental functions that boasts an impressive view of the waterfront city centre known to locals as the Bay Area. Recently, Altqaniah Trading Est., our partner's ITQAN's distributor in Saudi received an assignment from the Ministry of Defense in Jubail that requested for the installation of 25 FingerTec TA200 Plus units at the main building which functions as an office for military personnel of the Royal Navy Forces. |