ANSI 378 is the operability standard for fingerprint templates developed by the American National Standards Institute and it is the US Federal government standard.
ISO-IEC 19794-2 is a biometric data interchange format, a concept and data formats for representation of fingerprints using the fundamental notion of minutiae. This standard is generic, in that it may be applied and used in a wide range of application areas where automated fingerprint recognition is involved. ISO-IEC 19794-2 contains definitions of relevant items, a description of how minutiae shall be determined, data formats for containing the data for both general use and for use with cards, and conformance information. It provides interchange of finger minutiae data between sensing, storage and matching systems.
Benefits of having these standards include enabling development of integrated, scalable and robust solutions, and ensuring the availability of multiple sources for comparable products and of competitively priced products in the marketplace.
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