FingerTec News
Look Inside Your Box Carefully...
You Might Get Lucky!
You heard that right and no, we are not putting traps or any hazardous materials in our products rest assured. From June 2014 onwards, FingerTec will be giving out Lucky You! Cards. These cards will be available with any FingerTec products that is compatible with TimeTec Cloud. However, these cards will be randomly distributed and if you are the chosen one, one of the Lucky You! cards attached to the box will be yours.
Each Lucky You! card allows you to receive TimeTec Cloud subscription up to 90 days! All you need to do is to head on to TimeTec Cloud’s website, fill up the form provided with your details to sign up as a user and finalise your account activation by keying in the special code provided in the Lucky You! card. You will then receive an email notifying you to activate TimeTec Cloud account and voilà, you’re good to go!
So what are you waiting for, it’s time to start to keep an eye out for those elusive cards. Keep your fingers crossed and who knows if one of the Lucky You! cards might end up in your hands?
You may choose to dispose the box after going through its contents but we would recommend recycling it to gain some karma points with Mother Nature.
Any comments or feedbacks please email to
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