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FingerTec Seizes Opportunity at Career Fair 2012
by Ms. Kartina Azlina, Sales & Marketing Executive, FingerTec Worldwide
FingerTec in Malaysia actively participates in many activities, exhibitions, and promotions around the country. This time, Dynasty IT Services Sdn. Bhd., a FingerTec reseller in the east coast state of Terrenganu, took the opportunity to participate in a youth career fair to gain exposure for the brand as well as display some of the latest biometric technology to the visitors of the show.

The fair, which was organized by Yayasan Pembangunan Usahawan Terrenganu (YPU), translated to Terengganu Entrepreneur Development Foundation, was held from 29th March to 1st April of this year at one of the local halls. Dynasty IT Services Sdn. Bhd. equipped its booth with many of the available FingerTec banners, brochures and catalogues, while displaying FingerTec TA100C and the TCMS V2 software that is complimentary with each terminal.

Dynasty IT Services Sdn. Bhd. attended to many inquires regarding the technology.
The TA100C received many curious looks in the fair.
Many visitors stopped by the booth, their attention caught by the novelty of the biometric terminals. Dynasty IT Services entertained many questions about the technology and how it works, and gladly demonstrated the fingerprint scanning ability of FingerTec to the visitors. Some young career-starters, all mainly in the engineering and IT fields were also interested in how the company worked, and what sort of vacancies were available as of now.

“We are glad to have taken part in an exhibition like this. For a small participation fee, we are able to not only increase brand awareness of FingerTec, but at the same time source for potential young talent that can work and hold the brand values in their careers,” mentioned Mr. Mohd Masdi of Dynasty IT Services Sdn. Bhd.

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