You can download it straight from your iPad or iPhone by opening Safari, and selecting the manual from our User Website. Once the PDF file opens up in Safari, tap the top right of the document to reveal options to open the PDF file in iBooks, or in any of the other compatible applications in your iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch.
Now you can! FingerTec’s manuals have been now redesigned and chaptered accordingly, to be able to be exported into Apple’s iBooks application on your iPhone or your iPad. And with the PDF downloads of our brochures and catalogues, now you can make quick references of our models and features even if you are not at your workstation.
The first step to getting your manual on-the-go is to download the iBooks application for your iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch. Next, download the manuals or brochures that you wish to load into your device from. Once you have downloaded the manual, follow the steps listed below:
Open up your iTunes library.
(to download iTunes, click here)
Click File on the menu bar, and select “Add File”
(Alternatively, you can skip step 2 -3 by dragging and dropping the manual/ brochure file into your iTunes)
Next, go to the folder that the manual/brochure is placed in, select it and click Open. The manual is then added into your iTunes library under Books.
Connect your iPhone/ iPod Touch/ iPad to the PC. Your device will appear on the left hand panel. Click on it and make sure you select the manual/brochure to be synced under the Books panel.
Disconnect your device after the sync is complete, and you’re good to go.
Now open your iBooks, select PDFs and glance through our complete manuals, brochures, and catalogues. Enjoy the convenience of being well informed with information that is portable even when you are offline! Now, your identity isn’t the only thing available at the tips of your fingers anymore.
Any comments or feedbacks please email to
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