An IT development firm known as Digital Infinity established its office in a marvelous city of Novi Sad, Serbia in 2017. This company builds custom application development services from mobile to web apps to enterprise back-ends and product ecosystems. Its establishment predominantly tasks to help enterprises to increase productivity, automate processes and facilitate workflow management.
Their services require high collaborations with clients and deliver quality products in the most productive manner. Having to positively develop product and business ideas and scaling to meet the high demands of some of the best American companies which they have chosen to partner with, they have titled themselves as the “Doers”. From brainstorming to devising and to executing finalized ideas, premium applications and fine-quality completion of unique projects have always been of their clients’ anticipation.
When the workforce exerts pretty much all efforts on creativity, they need someone to shoulder the burden of internal operation and procedures management. Let the professionals take over this task, and there they found FingerTec.
Futurizing their establishment with
With no system implemented in the past, the management had struggled to stay on top of their premise security and handle their workforce daily attendance. When Digital Infinity began to look out for digital solutions to facilitate their internal struggles, FingerTec’s Serbia Reseller - MHT slipped in the opportunity to introduce FingerTec products and attendance software integration to aid in eliminating the issues they had been confronted with.
Now that the systems have been fully set up, they have come back positive on the newly incorporated operation structure and are really enjoying the benefits and innovative changes to the products and services since then.