If you own one of FingerTec’s H2i terminals, and are using it with along with a FingerTec non-colour display terminal, please take note of the information below.

FingerTec’s latest terminal, the H2i, comes with the latest BioBridge VX 10 algorithm and is able to interchange with BioBridge VX 9.0 algorithm. However, FingerTec non-colour display terminals(i.e. TA100, AC100, R2, AC900 etc) are only designed to support BioBridge VX 9.0 algorithm.

So, to use the H2i in an environment installed with these models, you will need to change the H2i to support BioBridge VX 9.0 instead. You can do so by using the latest FingerTec Terminal Function Tool.


You may download it at

Once downloaded, run the tool and insert the IP address of your H2i:

Click BioBridge VX and select “9”. Then update settings to H2i.

Without performing these steps, the fingerprint templates enrolled in FingerTec’s non-colour display models will not be able to be uploaded into the H2i. Besides that, you will also not be able to transfer the fingerprint templates enrolled in the H2i (using BioBridge VX10.0) into another black-and-white display model.

Initialized by Zul & written by Henry Pang. Any comments or feedbacks please email to support@fingertec.com
Copyright © 2011 FingerTec Worldwide Limited. All rights reserved.