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End of the month is the busiest time in most human resources departments for payroll processing and salary payment. Calculation of attendance, overtime, shift, commission and etc would make their job even tedious if there’s no available system to handle the process. The process is more complicated if it involves workers who do not work in regular working hours. Would you like to have an attendance system that could be linked directly to a payroll system to ease your work? Would you want the process to be as simple and you don’t have to save the data under a different format before uploading it again to the payroll software? And would you like to cut half of your workload by having all the attendance data ready for payroll processing? |
Now, FingerTec TCMS v2 software is able to link data directly to UBS payroll system without any hidden or additional cost. |
UBS is one of the renowned Payroll Processing software available in the market is specially designed to make the payroll processing simple, efficient and accurate to meet both management and statutory requirements. At present, FingerTec can link directly to four Payroll Software namely Founder DiGiPay, WinCOm, MYOB and the latest is UBS. FingerTec will explore other possibilities from time to time, look out for the latest development in our monthly newsletter. Subscribe now.
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