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If you think building trust is something you could acquire over time, you are spot on. But, if you think that building trust is about people and it’s not about formula, then you have to think again because there is a formula of building trust which your sales person needs to learn in communicating with potential clients or existing customers.
Since FingerTec® has many dealers who are dealing directly with end-customers to close sales, the skills could be handy.
By using these very simple building trust skills, communication can be tactful and you can gain trust in a shorter period than you think. |
Skill 1: Please Be At Your Best Behavior |
It sounds easy and it is indeed easy, so no sales person should neglect this skill. The focuses are on your attire, greetings, punctuality, respectfulness, basically, good presentation of you to the clients. Do not take anything for granted and think that the clients would not take notice on you or your behavior. Smiles would make a lot of difference. Handshake would be the first contact you have with your clients. And please maintain humbleness throughout the meeting and throughout the relationship. Nobody likes a boast. It is simple; dress well and appropriate, communicate pleasantly and modestly. |
Skill 2: Connect In Common Areas |
According to the study, this is the skill that would gain you most trust from your client. It is the skill to connect. People are attracted to common areas such as same interests, same hobbies, same childhood, same working experience and so on. Know your customer and listen well when they are talking to capture these common interests. Identify the common areas between your client and yourself, and tactfully launch a conversation in those subjects to gain connection. Do not invent something that you are not just because you want to connect, as this tactic would backfire. And do not insult the clients on their favorite areas. Remain appropriate throughout the conversation and always know where to stop and not to dwell on a subject too long. Find the connection and melt the ice. |
Skill 3: Capability |
Talk is cheap. Back up your talk with capabilities. Stress on your company’s strengths, boast on your company’s successful projects and experiences. Nobody likes to deal with a company that has no present and future. If you have it, flaunt it. And since you are the person representing your company, you must talk about your capabilities too. “I have been in this company for nearly 10 years, servicing 10 key accounts consisting of major banks in the country”. “The last project I closed involving 200 units of TA200 Plus models for a factory and they are happy about it” “I am the project manager handling the installation of 300 units of AC900 in KLCC building.” Put on the table your strengths sufficiently but maintain humbleness along the way. Clients need to be assured that they are backed by the best company and the best guy in the company in order to start a business with you. |
Skill 4: Motive |
Say your motive of seeing him/her out loud. For example, “I come today to demonstrate the advantages of FingerTec system to your company”. “We have a promotion in our company and I want you to take advantage of the promotion.” “I would like you to consider buying our attendance solutions to help you manage your staff’s attendance.” By stating your motive clearly, either just demonstrating or selling, you put your client at ease of your motive and there would be no ambush in the middle of the meeting with different subject matter and intention. |
A little information could help us grow a lot in person and in career. FingerTec® making things easy for you!. |
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