Small, Yet Loaded
m-Kadex stores up to 30000 cards and 50000 logs, more than sufficient for any small medium businesses. |
Simple Administrator Management & Enrollment
Register an administrator card and registrations of users are made easy. To enroll, touch the administrator card on the m-kadex followed by a user card, and enrollment is done! It is as easy as it gets. |
Powerful Square
m-Kadex has all access control functions required for a solid system, link it to the powerful TCMS V2, it works wonders. |
M+i Kadex Me!
m-kadex can be in combination with i-kadex for a more economical match. m-Kadex as entry and ikadex as exit, makes the perfect door access combination. |
Simple Terminal, Saves Cost
Mix and match your FingerTec system with m-kadex to give you more value for your money. Choose Kadex for the main entrance, m-kadex for other entrances and ikadex for exits. Haven’t you want options in life? |
Simple Verification
Look at the light on the m-kadex for your status! Blue is on standby, green is verified and red is indicating errors or failure. Life should be more simple, don’t you think? |
Simple USB data management
One step is all you need. Plug USB flash disk in the m-kadex and the transaction logs are downloaded into the USB flash disk. Plug the USB Flash disk in your computer with TCMS V2, it’s that easy! |
Attract Not, Repel Not
m-Kadex’s design is very simple and without having any keypad or LCD, it’s not attractive to potential vandals but the design is m-kadex is sleek enough for modern offices. |