FingerTec News 05/01/2016  
Database and Server Optimization Made Ingress (More) Awesome
Ingress is a bundled solution for all door access system purchased at FingerTec. Though it is a complimentary solution, FingerTec aims to provide our clients with the best software we could possibly produce and never neglects its development. Tons of efforts have been placed on Ingress to make this software functionally useful for all our clients the world over.

Recently, the R&D has made adjustments to Ingress that is notably important to its development. Ingress is made up of two major components; one is the Ingress Server and the other one is the Ingress Client. Ingress Server is meant to run for long hours, weeks or even months.

However, our customers discovered that the server became CPU hungry when it was running for weeks. And when the customers connected more terminals to Ingress, this problem happened more frequently.

Reduce Memory Consumption
The FingerTec R&D team revamped and restructured the Ingress Server’s running process in order to find solution to this problem. By using multi-threading approach, the team has managed to reduce a great amount of CPU and memory usage in the Ingress Server, making the problem disappear and the process improved significantly.
Speed Up
They have also performed a minor upgrade on the Ingress database structure to improve its performance and speed when dealing with huge data.
FingerTec will continue to make changes and improvements to better our system and your feedback is invaluable in making Ingress more awesome.

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