Global News (Europe & Africa)  Germany | 05/02/2016  
TimeTec Exhibits in CeBIT 2016
This year, TimeTec will be participating in CeBIT 2016 featuring its time and attendance cloud solution TimeTec TA and its guard tour patrolling cloud solution, TimeTec Patrol.

The event will be happening in Hannover Germany from 14 to 18 March 2016 and TimeTec booth is located at Hall 5, G40 of the Hannover Exhibition Grounds.

CeBIT is the largest and most internationally represented computer expo. It is held annually on the world's largest fairground, in Hannover, Germany and is considered a barometer of current trends and a measure of the state of the art in information technology.

TimeTec wants to showcase the brand as one of the prominent cloud solution providers in office and workforce automation, targeting not only attendance and guard patrol, but also visitor management, hiring process, leave management and mobile workforce administration. Every of TimeTec solution is developed on cloud platform to match the flexibility, accessibility and mobility requirements of the modern workforce. We hope to demonstrate to visitors in this 4-days event our system’s capability to manage the need to automation using the cloud technology and mobile apps, and to explain our company’s passion in cloud development. TimeTec’s partner in Germany, Secces GmbH will also be joining us in this show and they will be taking care of the local interests in our cloud solutions.

The tickets to the CeBIT exhibition are sold at EUR55 each for the whole 4-days and the day tickets can be obtained at EUR25 each per day.

We welcome anyone who is interested to become our TimeTec partner to the event, to meet with us and discuss the possibility.

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