FingerTec News
With the upcoming release of TimeTec Cloud, the perfect cloud-based workforce management system, we have received many inquiries on the finance-wise benefits of using the subscription-basis TimeTec Cloud, rather than a software that is purchased one-off. True, in the long run, the total subscription cost of TimeTec Cloud may outweigh that of a purchases software, but its not all that black and white.
Pay to Purchase, or Pay to Subscribe?
To help you comprehend, we’ve come out with the comparison table below:

Pay to Purchase
Purchased Software

Pay to Subscribe
TimeTec Cloud

Start-Up Capital
You need to have a large amount of expendable cash for purchasing and setting up the system, as a purchased software system is normally expensive.
Don’t need to have a large amount of cash to set up, as subscription-based software are normally much cheaper, thus easing your cash flow
Expense Type
Purchasing a software, will be considered as a Capital Expenditure (also known as CapEx).
Subscribing to a software, on the other hand, is considered Operating Expenditure (OpEx).
Tax Deductions
From an income tax perspective, CapEx can only be deducted from the company’s revenue over its useful life at a certain percentage, and not a full cost, as it is considered an asset to the company. So if you purchase a software at $1000, you may only be able to exempt $200 from being taxed (if say the asset can last for 5 years).
From an income tax perspective, OpEx is operational cost along with other day-to-day business activities. This operating cost can be deducted in full from the total revenue of the company, thus exempting it from being taxed.
So overall, the benefit of subscribing for a software like TimeTec Cloud, besides it being convenient, easy, and burden-free, a subscription-based software could save costs for you in the income tax aspect.
With the minimum start up cost of TimeTec Cloud being at USD25, the burden on private-owned companies and SMEs are also reduced, and with the TimeTec Cloud Free 30-day Trial, you can experience it for yourself and be absolutely sure about your decision before going through with it.
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