Here’s a summary of all our support components:
Technical Support Email
Here’s an example of a quick response time. Our technical support line, is available for you to email your technical problem to, which we will respond within a 6-hour time frame.
Live Chat & Remote Desktops
If emailing is not quick enough for you, we also have the option of live chat with our technicians via Skype, MSN, and TeamViewer (for remote desktop sessions) for you to get immediate responses. On top of that, we have extended our support hours from 9am-6am (GMT +8.00) to cater to clients and end-users in different time zones.
Monthly Technical Tips
From the desks of our technical support team, we bring you frequent technical tips that feature how-tos, firmware & software updates, and lots of other shortcuts and applications. You can view the latest tips in our monthly newsletter at or head over to our technical tip blog, You can also subscribe to our technical mailing list to be informed when an update is posted on the blog.
Social Media
Join the most popular form of new-age interaction! With our main social media participation in Facebook and Twitter, our partners, resellers and end-users are welcome to post an inquiry on our wall or tweet us about a technical issue.
Technical Roadmap / Troubleshooting
If you’re a more DIY person, you might want to go through our technical roadmap and troubleshooting steps before consulting a support technician. Our Technical Roadmap featured on gives you an outline about the main elements you should check if you’re facing difficulties with your terminal, while our troubleshooting guide displays the frequent glitches faced by a terminal and how to solve and repair them.
Video Guides
Here is some help to our clients if they wish to perform their own repairs. It is strongly recommended that a qualified technician perform this job, and as an additional reference, we provide video guides on how to repair a product systematically.
So why do we put in so much effort in supporting our users? The answer is simple. As a brand, we want to stand out as being the top preferred choice in the industry and for this to work, not only has the brand have to have superb quality products and technology, but you’ll also need to have good communication. Studies show that customers hold a brand’s service and customer experience at a high priority, with 60% willing to pay more for a product to be able to go through better service and support (Source: Harris Interactive, Customer Experience Impact Report). That means, majority of the consumers out there would rather have a product with good support priced slightly above average than a product with a low price and sans support. With this vital information in mind, FingerTec would like to emphasize and encourage our resellers and distributors to reflect the brand and put customer service as a priority. Think like a customer and you won’t have any problem finding one.
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