FingerTec in Exhibition
Academia by FingerTec
Tackles Cloud and Nurses
Sharing is caring, and what better thing is there to share other than knowledge? Academia by FingerTec is proud to present two updates to our collection this month, as highlighted below:
Reduce the Intricacies of Nurse Scheduling Management in Healthcare Industry with Biometric Implementation
In her latest offering, FingerTec Worldwide COO, Ms. Norana Johar, discusses the main issues regarding nurse scheduling that needs to be addressed as the healthcare industry progresses into the future. The industry is unique in the sense that properly managing its human resources will have a direct effect on the health and general well being of its customers, aka patients. It is thus important to ensure proper scheduling of staff, particularly nurses, as well as increase human resource efficiency and minimize human bias factor. TCMS V2 makes this possible by automating most tasks involved in the nurses’ attendance and scheduling management.
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TimeTec Cloud Security - Facing Security Challenges Head-On
FingerTec Worldwide Chief Information Officer, Mr. Daryl Choo, lends his knowledge in Cloud Computing to discuss the nine main challenges in adopting and implementing a Cloud solution in his Academia debut. The article goes into detail each of the major obstacles, such as denial of service, malicious insiders and account hijacking, before classifying the security challenges in a schematic diagram based on the hierarchy of Cloud computing. TimeTec Cloud has adhered to the best practices during its development and deployment to ensure that these issues are minimized for a complete and wholesome Cloud solution.
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As always, we welcome quality contributions written by experts and professionals who are heavily experienced in specific industries. Of course, a token of appreciation will be provided to those willing to give meaningful input to the Academia by FingerTec initiative, given that they meet our minimum requirements. Please contact for further details.
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