Soon, FingerTec will be introducing AdapTec Plus, the latest improved accessory for FingerTec’s door access system. AdapTecPlus is an enhanced version of the AdapTec AC, an important power supply cum controller, being supplied with FingerTec’s models for door access system such as R2, AC900 and etc.
The initial AdapTec AC is designed to perform the below functions:
a. Power up maximum two door access terminals plus two sets of door locks;
b. Charge up 12V DC backup battery;
c. Supply power to the system during power failure;
d. Improve door lock security by separating the door lock wiring from the terminal.
While the latest AdapTec Plus carries all the functions of the AdapTec AC, it adds one crucial feature that tightens access security to another level – Security I/O controller. The AdapTec Plus is integrated with a powerful microprocessor to receive encrypted data signal from FingerTec terminals via Wiegand 26-bit output and to decrypt the data output before granting access to the authorized users, also via Wiegand 26-bit output.

With AdapTec Plus, the FingerTec terminals will no longer sending power contact/signal to AdapTec AC for unlocking of doors, and this will reduce the risk of FingerTec terminals being exposed to unauthorized entries and occasional power surge occurrences at the FingerTec terminals.

The security of your access system is better protected with the AdapTec Plus with data encryptions and the life-span of the terminals could be prolonged without the risk of short circuit.

The AdapTec Plus can be used with any FingerTec door access terminals so long as the firmware has been updated to the latest version and it also can be used with any 3rd party controller.

Watch out this space for the announcement of availability of AdapTec Plus by FingerTec.

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