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Last Update 03 Jan 2007
TCMS v2 will show the following window if the verification process is failed and user needs to place his finger again on the scanner for verification.

Fingerprint Templates Transfers
Fingerprint templates enrolled by OFIS scanner are stored in TCMS V2. These fingerprint templates can be uploaded to other FingerTec readers. Therefore, users can enroll their fingerprints through OFIS scanner and they will verify their fingerprint at FingerTec reader to report attendance or to access through door. OFIS Scanner acts as an enrollment station.

You need to enroll users’ fingerprints and stored them in TCMS V2, as described in the previous chapters. Now you can upload the enrolled fingerprint templates to FingerTec readers. The fingerprint templates will be stored in the FingerTec reader, and the reader can be used to:

A. Report attendance.
B. Access to door controlled by readers.