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Assigning CardNo for BioBridge SDK
Some of FingerTec’s model range supports a card function, which allows users to verify using an assigned
RFID/Mifare/HID card, depending on the technology within the terminal. When using the BioBridge SDK,
you may find that you need to integrate the card ID into your new system.
To do this, use the following new functions to support the card with the ID number ranging from 0 -
4,294,967,295. We have added a GetCardNo() and SetCardNo() function call. Kindly refer to the following
code as an example

a) biobridgesdk.GetCardNo(CardNo:String):Integer;
    Result : 0 = true, 1=false
If biobridgesdk.GetUserInfo(EnrollNo,Name,Passwd,Privilege,Valid) = 0
b) biobridgesdk.SetCardNo(CardNo:String):Integer;
    Result : 0 = true, 1=false
If biobridgesdk.SetCardNo(CardNo) = 0
If biobridgesdk.SetUserInfo(EnrollNo,Name,Passwd,Privilege,Valid);