1. |
Click Antipassback from the left panel. |
2. |
Click Add Zone. |
3. |
Name the Zone, e.g.: Ground Floor. |
4. |
Click Add Device. |
5. |
Select Ingressus from the list. |
6. |
Name the Ingressus controller. |
7. |
Press Edit at the Basic Information panel. |
8. |
Select the nature of Antipassback by clicking at the radio button. |
Antipassback between readers of Door 1: To activate feature at Door 1 only. |
Antipassback between readers of Door 2: To activate feature at Door 2 only. |
Antipassback between readers of Door 1 and between the readers of Door 2 respectively: To activate the features
at both Door 1 and Door 2 independently. |
Antipassback between Door 1 and Door 2: To activate the feature between both Door 1 and Door 2. User
must have an Out record from Door 1, before granted access to Door 2. |
9. |
Sync settings to the Ingressus controller. |