A whistleblower can report a complaint if he/she is aware of any wrongdoings, including, but not limited to the following:
• Criminal offences like corruption, bribery, fraud;
• Intentional misrepresentations, misstatements, omissions, directly or indirectly affecting financial statements; or
• Improper conduct or unethical behavior; or
• Attempts to conceal any of the above.
II. Confidentiality
TimeTec Group will treat disclosures made under the Whistleblower Policy in a confidential and sensitive manner. TimeTec Group shall take reasonable steps to keep confidential the identity of the whistleblower so long it does not hinder or frustrate any investigation. However, the identity of the whistleblower may needto be revealed under the provisions of law.
Should the whistleblower disclose his/her own identity, TimeTec Group will no longer be obligated to maintain such confidentiality.
III. Acting in Good Faith
To ensure credibility and avoid disclosures which are malicious, frivolous and/or vexatious, the whistleblower is required to put his/her identity to any disclosures made and shall ensure that the disclosure is based on facts and evidence.
IV. Whistleblowing Channel
Any complaints or disclosures can be made by sending an email to TimeTec Group CEO at honseng@timeteccloud.com.my