i-kiosk 100
i-kiosk 100 Plus
TimeLine 100
FingerTec® Sensor, a cheaper option for OFIS!
Tips (http://tips.fingertec.com)
21 February, 2008
TCMS V2.1.2 Version B
Sales (http://sales.fingertec.com)
10 February, 2008
Sales Presentation update:
  M2/R2, AC900, AC800, AC100, TA100, OFIS
Training (http://training.fingertec.com)
10 February, 2008
Product Training presentation(PPT)
Dr. Henry Faulds first became interested in fingerprints after 1874 while working at the hospital he established in Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan. After careful experiment and observation, he became convinced that fingerprint patterns did not change, that the fingerprint patterns on the fingers where highly variable and that superficial injury did not alter them, they returned to their former design as the injury healed.
FingerTec® Advanced Repair Site

This program is opened for qualified engineers or technicians only. Under this Program, users are allowed to repair the MCU board, Core board and etc., minimize the sending back of parts to us, to save cost and time. Applicants also need to ensure they have the proper repair equipments to carry out repair works....

TimeLine 100, a diversification strategy to widen market scope

FingerTec Worldwide has introduced its first RFID card reader to the market in early March 2008 and being positioned as a supplementary product, the TimeLine 100 Time & Attendance reader has surprisingly received encouraging demands from FingerTec® resellers worldwide. Based on the feedbacks received, the TimeLine 100 is a nice addition to the existing product portfolio and many have placed early orders....

Calling for FingerTec® Stories!

FingerTec Worldwide is planning to feature a column of our reseller activities worldwide in our monthly newsletter and we are inviting submission of stories from all our resellers from around the world. FingerTec partners who want to be featured regularly in our newsletter must submit one story per month by 15th of every month and he will be given a regular column....

Understanding Work Code Function in FingerTec® Plus Series

FingerTec® standard fingerprint readers offer default of four defined punch in and punch out activities which include Check in (00), Check out (01), OT in (04) and OT out (05). While other remarks can be manually defined in TCMS V2 on a particular attendance of users, the definitions can only be inserted after fingerprint verifications have been done and recorded in attendance sheet....

FingerTec SA Building Good Reputation for FingerTec® Through Excellent After Sales Service
We brought in and tested various makes of readers from several manufacturers worldwide, but none were as strong, well supported, as user friendly & as well marketed as the Fingertec readers. Only the Fingertec readers came with full manuals for hardware and software installations, VCD guides and were packaged in attractive, easily identifiable and easy to carry boxes. The TCMS V2 software was the closest software....
April, 2008
FingerTec® will participate in Secutech Expo 2008; Asia’s most international security event that will be held in Taiwan. The expo will be held on 16-18 April 2008 at the Taipei World Trade Center, Taiwan. SecuTech 2008, highlighting the security industry, the coverage of themes are comprised of security concerns, security equipments, fire & safety, industrial safety and information....
April, 2008
On April 22-24, 2008, FingerTec® will be in Mexico City, participating in the Expo Seguridad Mexico 2008. Expo Seguridad Mexico 2008 is a place where you can meet the main security products manufacturers, distributors, integrators and end users of security equipment and services....
You can now personalize your welcome message on FingerTec® readers. The default welcome message of FingerTec® reader is “Welcome”. The FingerTec® reader is the machine used by each employee daily. Therefore, other than functions as time attendance and access verification machine, the FingerTec® readers can also display your company’s short information.
FingerTec® R2 Redefine Seguridad Materiales Completos de Márketing de FingerTec®
“Tailgating” es un término que se usa cuando uno entra una zona y varias personas siguiendola adentro sin verificación. Se puede implementar la característica antipassback en los lectores de FingerTec® para evitar el problema de tailgating por observar la ubicación de un particular usuario si está adentro o afuera de una zona segura. Cuando se usa antipassback, un usuario debe ser verificado en un lector para “entrada”, y luego una verificación en un lector para “salida”, antes de poder ser verificado en un lector para “entrada” otra vez. En caso de un usuario no está verificado en un lector para “entrada” y salga la zona, haya una violación de antipassback. Aunque haya una verificación exitosa, la entrada ya está registrada como una violación y no le da acceso a la puerta....
Sales & Marketing
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Marketing Materials
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Technical Tips
This is the website to get technical documents, videos, diagrams & sofware downloads, etc.
Online Training
To get training documents such as Reseller product training, Sales training, tutorial, etc.
Warranty Claim
Make your online warranty claim and it's easy and quick.
End user online Support
Fully utilize the end user online support website to ease your supporting tasks.
*We will approve your registration within 24 hours
*Terms & conditions applied
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