July, 2007
  Seguriexpo 2007 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
FingerTec participated in the 6th Edition of the South American Integral Security Exhibition or also known as Seguriexpo that was held from 4th July until 6th July 2007. The exhibition took place at the "La Rural" Trade Center, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Located at booth number E1-51, FingerTec expects to find good partners to distribute our time attendance and door access solutions in Latin America region.
Starting from left: Mr. Uzziel (Mexico's distrobutor), Mr Teh (CEO of FingerTec), Ms Maria (translator)
FingerTec, the only company from Asia took part in the Trade Show in Buenos Aires
Of course, the response is good for FingerTec products
"When I went to Argentina's show recently, people asked me why I didn't go to Brasil because according to them Brasil is the larger market as compared to Argentina. Getting tired of the same curiosity, I calmly said "I have to follow the alphabetical order, Sir. I come to Argentina first because it starts with A, Brasil second as it starts with B and Chile will come next. And the Argentineans loved my answer!" - Teh Hon Seng, FingerTec CEO
Copyright 2007 FingerTec Worldwide Limited. All rights reserved.