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F I N G E R T E C   N E W S
DJT – TimeTec in China Go Live!

DJT (Dian Jiang Tai), software equivalent to TimeTec will be going live in Mainland China. Repackaged the TimeTec look, feel and contents, Founder Purvar, FingerTec’s partner in China, has high hopes to penetrate far and wide with DJT time attendance solutions into China market.

Visitor Management System - A Necessary Checkpoint to Safeguard A Facility

The rapidly changing world demands each organization to take a closer look into the security issues and loopholes of its facilities.

TimeTec to TCMS V2 RollBack Feature Is Ready to Roll

In computing term, Rollback is the process of restoring a database or program to a previously defined state, typically to recover from an error. In simpler term, to Undo.

Calling All IP Camera Vendors

FingerTec is proud to introduce EpiCamera, a trusted brand for cloud surveillance solution hosted at Amazon Web Services servers; EpiCamera offers cloud surveillance storage to all IP cameras for home and business users at an affordable rate.

FingerTec Spare Parts Info Details

At FingerTec, we are taking a step towards improving our solutions and services for the good of our customers and in view of the common confusion about the contents of the boards that we sent out.

G L O B A L   N E W S
Zambia Airports Corporation Limited Install FingerTec AC100C for Attendance Management
Secces GMBH Showcases FingerTec’s Access Control System at Haus 2015 Germany
FingerTec Travels to Moscow for MIPS 2015
Applewood Highlights FingerTec at Safe Security Pakistan 2015
RELA Gets First Hand TCMS V2 Training
O F F I C I A L   B L O G
10 Reasons Why Your Office Needs BIOMETRICS Door Access System
As security issue is becoming dominant in the workplace, FingerTec presents reasons why your office door access control requires BIOMETRICS and its automated system.
Dealing With Attendance Anomalies Head On
From employees’ point of view, they are only taking a slight more time to run errands or to have more break time but for a company, work time always comes down to dollars and cents.
Where work, play, and social values come together
FingerTec Supports Jogathon Warisan 2015
T E C H N I C A L   T I P S
Ingress Allows Retrieval of Specific Records from Selected FingerTec Devices for Specific Purpose
Ingress System Admin Access Password Retrieval
Ingress Tip: DO NOT TAMPER with the User Expiry Date in Ingress Database
Ingress Software Installation Error Message
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